
Social Media Stole My Mojo - A Music Tastemaker Panel

Social Media Stole My Music Mojo from Raj Kotecha on Vimeo.

So a few weeks ago, it was Social Media Week in London, and I was invited to talk on a panel about Music and the impact of social media, which basically covered the do's and do not's, how it's changing the industry and how to best use it.

To be honest all you need to know is in the video above and genuinely a few people have contacted me out of the blue to say how useful and informative they found it.

I thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of my world of music journalism and chewing the fat with fellow panelists Raj Kotecha founder of Creative Content Agency, David Haynes VP of Business Development at Soundcloud, and MTV Wrap Up’s Babatunde Adefuye.

Sumit from the Hip Hop Chronicle chaired the lively chat.

It was definitely very good to step beyond social networking and meet interesting, insightful people and make real life connections.