Devlin & Giggs - Shot Music
Two of the hottest UK urban artists of 2010 join forces for Shot Music - I'm really, really excited about Devlin. He's got a bit of early Mike Skinner about him, but he's harder, more real and the social realism/commentary dimension, is what really does it for me. Check Community Outcast, for what I'm talking about.
While I'm here I should probably mention that I was lucky enough to goto the Giggs album playback last Friday which was in the grand surroundings of Good Enough college, and took the form of a school exam. We walked into a hall - like something out of Harry Potter (as Semtex put it) - with papers and pens laid out (and headphones) and proceeded to fill in the exam paper with notes on Giggs LP. Keep an eye out on the LIVE EAST website (soon come) for a short film on the experience, as filmed by LIVE EAST Online editor, Daniel Oniya.
Since we only heard Giggs LP once, I'm going to hold fire on my thoughts. Over all, it's a thumbs up, but could have been harder and grittier. However the LP tracklist hasn't been finished so these thoughts and the album itself may well change.