On The Up - Charlie Sloth
This is Charlie Sloth, a very real North London rapper. I've been keeping an eye on him for a while and his rhymes are tight. He's had a lot of attention and currently has three label deals on the table, but is remaining independent. Brave man, but I'm inclined to agree it's the right move.
His new single, the very clever and hard-hitting Come Back To Me is out on December 3rd. I'll post the video when it's up. For now, here's Charlie Sloth's guide to his endz. One word of caution though, this angry young man style is already well trodden with Plan B, to a lesser extent Shameless and also of course the granddad of grimey, estate rap, Skinnyman. Do we have room for another? New Era hat tip to Ara Jump Off, the hardest working man in the UK 'game', for switching me onto to the Sloth like Charlie.