Grime's gradually making a comeback in London. Hurrah. After a virtual shut down of grime events such as the lady like Fiddy's Straight Outta Bethnal at 333, Dirty Canvas has flown the flag, long and hard at venues including the ICA! And now after some trouble free nights we're getting plenty of grime at Cargo (A Night Of Rinse, Skepta's LP launch party) and with Urban Nerd at 93 Feet East.
Ok so it might be mixed up with dubstep or niche, but hey who wants to listen to the same music all night long? (Ok, I do, only if it's DMZ at Mass though :-0))
This is the video to T2's Heartbroken. T2's the headliner at Dirty Canvas and it's gonna be interesting to see if niche - northern bassline UKG - is gonna crack London. I think it will. It's lady friendly and good fun dancefloor music. Simple - much like last year's anthem Fish Go Deep by Cure & The Cause. All that really matters is that it's been blowing up in clubs oop north for most of this year and a generation of new ravers love it. I can certainly imagine a a rave going off big time when this tune drops.
And let's face it neither grime or dubstep are much fun for silly dancing and are hardly female friendly sounds (sorry to stereotype).