Drugs are bad, okay?
Kids - drugs are bad (says Mr Mackie from South Park). And here's proof, in the shape of footage, from the first aid tent at Global Gathering 2007. It's one of those where you don't know whether to laugh or gasp. Hat tip - or New Era cap tip - to grime soldier RossB for the link.
UPDATE: this has been removed by youtube. Because Global Gathering has said it's illegal as permission hadn't been given. It's funny they chase down the only footage that casts Global Gathering in a slightly negative light. There are thousands - ok hundreds - of videos on youtube from Global Gathering 2007, where people's permission obviously hasn't been sought. Anyways if you wack this URL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g9k7jLTjlM>) into google and click on the cache link, it's still viewable.