
Graffiti & Street Art Auction

The clever people down at Cargo have organised a free street arm jam every Friday night in July that's perfect for post-work drinks. You can buy the pieces too by submitting sealed bids for pieces being painted/sprayed while you drink.

Last week, established graf writer Xenz's pieces went for a very affordable sum in graf terms, especially considering it's a piece of one off art from a known name.

Tonight's it's Part 2, who's also part of Big Dada's rumbling bashment, grime, rap, dancehall crew, New Flesh and Aussie illustrator, Stormie.

Next week - July 20 - it's Lady Pink from Wild Style fame with Nick Walker, the Bristol boy who taught Banksy how to stencil. This is BIG.

July 27 is acclaimed German duo Herakut, and a writer dubbed 'the artist's street artist', Mr Kern.

So get googling and check out what you like and get down to Cargo to support. On second thoughts don't coz you're gonna make the art to expensive for me to buy!

On a more serious note, it seems the graf/street art scene is kicking right now, there's also Secret Wars at Juno round the corner... live graf battles, knock out stylee.

While some good friends in Newcastle, the Ghetto Method, have been organising improv art jams, and weekends away for like-minded illustrators, graf writers, designers and animators get together and jam.

And thanks to Joe 'I don't write for DJ' Roberts for the heads up.