
Don't Call It A Comeback

Suddenly everywhere you look conscious hip hop is back. Whether it's this very talented young lady Amanda Davis or Talib Kweli, Kanye West, Common, Kidz In The Hall, Consequence, Danny Swain (Def Jux) - check his update of ATCQ's Find A Way, 2007 has been the year that conscious hip hop has returned.

Thank god, US hip hop's been as dry as the Arizona desert for hip hop headz that like their rap to be conscious, positive and cerebral. All we need now is the voice of the unheard, fuck the establishment, Public Enemy style polemicists/revolutionaries to grab a seat at hip hop's top table and all sides of hip hop's broad church will be represented in the mainstram. It's unlikely this will happen,but I can live in hope, can't I? Massive thanks to Don-A-Mon for the Amanda Davis tip off.