Bank Holiday Weekend Raving
Another Bank Holiday weekend arrives. May rocks! Bank Holiday weekend usually stands for one thing in this country, crazy partying/. And there is shed loads on this weekend. If I was in London this weekend I would be at BBE getting down to Jazzy Jeff and Carl Craig. The only problem is the venue, Canvas, which is notorious for huge queues and Hillsborough style crushes (no joke), and £4 a pop for a beer.
Is it any wonder that everyone's gurning when it's £4 for a drink in Canvas, Cargo, The End and pills cost £5 (and that's expensive), and last you all night rather than 20 minutes. Ravers get fleeced yet again.
Also worth checking are the slew of warehouse parties: Mulletover, Issst, Kompakt Records, which are inevitably Shoreditch and beyond.
However the event that's most caught my eye is UK Takeover in Nottingham, with a sick line up of homegrown hip hop and lyricists. The irony is that it will be a few years before an event of this ilk will happen in London. Coz the Police assume grime and hip hop events, will result in shootings and murders. No joke, it's that simple, grime, hip hop and young black men can only mean one thing - violence. Clueless mofos. Makes my blood boil.